Are you looking for a fun tag game to energize your team? This game has got to be one of my favorites! It is fast, energetic and easy to set up with very little equipment required.
Tic Tic Boom
To get the gist of the game simple watch the video. You’ll see the kids who live on the Cocos Islands playing this fun tag game under the palm trees and tropical sun!
Tic Tic Boom is suitable for players of any age with group size anywhere from 5 to around 30. Any more than that, it would be better to run two games simultaneously.
Equipment Required to play Tic Tic Boom
The great news is you don’t need a lot of equipment. In fact, it can be played without any! In our video we have marked out a small boundary area using marker cones and we are using a soft gator ball as a tagging tool.
It is not necessary to have a gator ball as a tagging tool. This could be substituted with a pool noodle, a rolled-up sock, a tennis ball, a teddy bear, a sneaker or a football.
The aim of the game

The winner is the last player left in the game. All those who get out, step out of the boundary to watch and to help with the counting.
How to begin this fun tag game
There are no teams, and no one is nominated as the tagger. Simply have all players enter the play area and then toss the tagging tool (ball) in. Play begins as soon as a player picks up the tagging tool and proceeds to chase the other players.
It is a good idea to have an umpire who manages the game; however, this game can be easily played with no umpire.
Fun tag game rules
- The tagging tool is tossed into the play area.
- As soon as a player picks it up, the count down from 10 begins. Either the game controller calls out the count down, or players themselves can. “10, 9, 8, 7…2, 1, BOOM!”
- The player with the tagging tool, must try to tag another player before “BOOM!” is called.
- If a player is tagged, they must immediately take the tagging tool and try to tag another player or tag the player who just tagged them.
- Time is running out. Players do not want to be holding the tagging tool when “BOOM!” is called out.
- The player holding the tagging tool when BOOM is called is out and must leave the play area.
- The tagging tool is tossed into the play area where another player will pick it up to continue the game.
- Remember the countdown doesn’t begin until a player picks up the tagging tool.
- If a player steps out of the play boundary area, then he/she is out.
- The game continues until all bar one player is out!
Helpful Tip for this Fun Tag Game
Encourage the players on the sidelines to help with the countdown. It keeps them involved and heightens the energy.
Other ideas for Tic Tic Boom

On a hot day, this game can be played in the swimming pool, or down at the beach in the water. You’ll need a floating tagging tool, and you should allow more time before the Boom.
The game could also be played with players partnering up. Allow partners to pass the ball between themselves. If a player gets out, then their partner is also out.
For very large groups, use two or three tagging tools at once. When BOOM is called, then all those with the tagging tools are out. Once the remaining group size gets smaller, then take away the extra tagging tools.
Final thoughts – fun tag game
Tic Tic Boom is guaranteed to wear your group out! It requires lots of energy to keep up the pace. A perfect game to build fitness and endurance. A great outdoor game for youth camps.
I’ve taught this game to school students, who during their lunch breaks, run the game on their own with their friends. You will love this fun tag game!