Awesome Circle Games for Kids (With Quick Demo Videos)

Circle Games

Circle games for kids are fantastic for team building. They are usually smaller indoor group games requiring little or no equipment, can be set up super quick and are great fun!

As a classroom teacher, I like to use circle games to energize students between lessons. A teacher who fosters relationships with his/her students will have better engaged students. Remember, ‘kids don’t care what you think unless you care’. Small group circle games are an excellent tool for developing strong bonds between students and between students and their teacher.

Here Are My Top Five Circle Games for Kids

Circle Games for kids

Karate Chop

Aim to be the last left in the game.

Players stand in a tight circle and take up a Karate stance, then freeze. A player starts and must chop the arm of a player either side of them.

The player being chopped must try and move their hand away to avoid being chopped. Hands freeze as soon as the move has been completed.

The next person in the circle now tries to do the same. This continues around the circle. If a player has an arm chopped, their arm is then out of the game. Lose both arms and the player is out!

This fun group game requires concentration and quick reflexes.

Bunny Bunny

Aim to be the last left in the game.

A ‘Bunny’ is chosen. He/she puts up their hands as bunny ears. The players either side put up one hand (next to Bunny) to represent one ear.

To start, the Bunny calls another player’s name by saying, “Bunny, bunny Tom”.

Tom becomes the new Bunny. He puts up his two ears, with players either side putting up one ear.

Now Tom calls the next Bunny. This continues. Players get out if they mess things up or they are too slow.

This is a great energizer game that can be played between lessons!


Aim to be the last left in the game.

A player starts by calling another player’s name. That player must duck to the ground as fast as they can. The players either side of him/her must shoot at each other calling, “Bang!” If the player who ducked is too slow, he/she is out. If he/she did duck quickly, then the player who was slowest to shoot and call “bang” is out.

Now the player who did the ducking calls the next name.

Another fun indoor circle game that requires concentration and quick reflexes. Could also use the game for teaching times tables, instead of players shooting and calling “bang”, they call out the answer to a times table.

Jockeys Up

Aim to be the last pair left in the game.

Players form pairs, then form an inner circle and an outer circle with one player from the pair in each of the circles.

Players in the inner circle are the horses whilst the players in the outer circle are the jockeys.

The team leader calls, “Horses go”. The horses stay in their circle and gallop in a clockwise direction.

Next the leader calls, “Jockeys go”. Jockeys stay in their circle and jog in an anti-clockwise direction.

Team leader may call, “Reverse” and horses and Jockeys change direction.

Then team leader calls, “Jockeys Up!”

Quickly jockeys must find their horse partner and jump on their back. The slowest pair are out. Keep the group game going until only one pair remains.

Screaming Toes

Everyone gets out!

Team leader calls, “toes”. All players must look down and focus on another player’s toes.

Team leader counts, “1, 2, 3”. Players look up and must look straight at the person whose toes they were focussing on. If that player is looking right back at them, they must both scream as loud as they can. They are then out of the game.

Team leader calls “toes” again and the game repeats until everyone is out! This is a goofy game!

Looking for more Circle Games? Here is a selection of indoor youth group games that make great energizer games.

Wackiapp has all these circle group games, and many more! Short engaging instructional videos for you and your kids to watch, learn and play! Click HERE to check out the app.

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