Energizers and Icebreakers

Energizer games are designed to reignite the energy of students who are dozing off due to lengthy sessions requiring thinking and concentration. Energizers are not just used in the classroom, but corporate seek them for their conferences and training workshops with adults.

The key is to keep them simple, short and high energy. You want people up and moving and interacting with others.

They are great for motivation before lessons start or they can be played at the end of the day before the kids go home..

Energizer games

Brain Breaks and Ice Breakers

Energizer games may also be likened to Brain Breaks.

Brain Break games awaken the brain when it becomes numb from listening to lectures. It is well known that people are only really engaged in listening to content being taught for about ten minutes before they start switching off. This is more so with younger kids. So regular brain break games ensure that people are refreshed to go on.

Energizer games are perfect Ice breakers. They’re fantastic for opening an event where the participants don’t know one another. Using an ice breaker group game ensures people mingle, allowing for introductions. They also raise the energy in a room before participants settle in for a workshop or lesson.

As a school teacher, I find that playing daily energizer group games with the kids motivates them to want to come to school. They get super excited with the idea that there will be games. Often I’ll see the kids playing the same energizers with their friends during lunch breaks or after school. They are a fantastic way to develop rapport between teacher and the kids.

In the following articles I’ll select and elaborate upon some of our awesome energizer games that we have on our Wack App. Why not give one or two of these games a try in your next youth group meeting, corporate workshop, or in your classroom.

Indoor Youth Group Games

Best Group Game Apps

As a teenager, I belonged to a youth group. I took a leadership role with the younger youth in the group. Each week we met and my role was to run fun engaging group games with them. Here are some of the kid’s favorite indoor youth group games that I ran. These indoor youth group games make awesome energizers!



Circle Games Make Awesome Energizers!

Karate Chop Game

Circle games for kids are fantastic for team building. They are usually smaller indoor group games requiring little or no equipment, can be set up super quick and are great fun!

As a classroom teacher, I like to use circle games to energize students between lessons. A teacher who fosters relationships with his/her students will have better engaged students. Remember, ‘kids don’t care what you think unless you care’.

Small group circle games are an excellent tool for developing strong bonds between students and between students and their teacher. Here are my top 5 circle games for kids.

Top 10 Tips to Running Youth Group Games Successfully (Ultimate Guide)

Top tips to running youth group games successfully

Tip number 1- High Energy! This would have to be the tip with the biggest punch! Use your excitement and energy to fuel the kids in your group. Energy is infectious.

Before you know it, the kids will be pumped and eager to play. Even boring games can be super fun if you’re energetic! Read on to learn about the other 9 top tips to running youth group games successfully.




2 Epic Circle Ice Breakers (Play These Games Today!)


Here are 2 very simple circle ice breakers you can play with your group today. Simply watch our short demo videos and check out the game rules.

These games were selected as they encourage participants to step out of their comfort zones. They are great games to help people in your group to get to know one another, or use these games as powerful energizers to break up lessons.

Perfect for youth group camps!

Check out these two games HERE.

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