Sculptor, An Awesome Team Building Game! (Easy and Fun)

Are you looking for an awesome team building game that inspires creativity for your youth group?

Why not give Sculptor a go! A perfect game for between lessons in the classroom; as a youth camp game; or as an icebreaker for a corporate workshop. Sculptor requires small teams to cooperatively work together to create an awe-inspiring sculpture made out of people. That’s right… they are human sculptures!

The Aim of the Game

To create an awesome human sculpture.

Sculptor Game Rules

Team Building Game
  • Nominate someone to be the game Leader. This person keeps time and coordinates the game. You’ll see what I mean when you check out the video below.
  • The Game Leader splits the players into small groups of about five or six people. Each group designates a ‘Sculptor’.
  • Players are given a minute to have a team meeting to plan their sculpture. Then three minutes is given to the construction of the sculpture.
  • Each ‘Sculptor’ manipulates their team into a sculpture.
  • Players must be compliant with their Sculptor and freeze into the positions they are placed in. All players must be joined somehow. The game works best with the expectation of no talking during the creative process.
  • When the three minutes is almost up, the Game Leader counts down from ten and sculptures remain frozen in place.
  • The Game Leader asks each of the Sculptors to present their sculpture to the audience. They must name their creation and explain it.
  • The Game Leader can score each sculpture based on creativity, presentation and complexity. Alternatively, just have fun with the game and not have scoring.

Every time I play this fun group game with kids, they get more and more creative with their masterpieces. Everyone wants a turn at being the Sculptor, so you won’t be able to stop at playing it just once.

Amp it Up!

Once the kids have the hang of the game, try playing with larger teams of about ten players, each with two Sculptors. The Sculptors work together to put their creation together. This could be extended further, with a team of sculptors who create a work of art with the whole group.

Use ‘Sculptor’ as an Educational Group Game

Sculptor can be used as an educational group game to teach a concept or idea- great for classroom teachers looking for innovative ways to impart learning with their students. Use a subject theme, such as ‘3D Shapes’ or ‘Life Cycle of an Insect’. Up the difficulty level by using abstract themes like, ‘Feelings’ or ‘Colors’. With little kids, the theme could be ‘Marine Animals’ or ‘Numbers’. It’s also fun to play Sculptor whereby scenes from a novel or picture book are created. Check out other Educational Group Games HERE.

A Team Building Game for Parties

Playing Sculptor at parties is a lot of fun, especially if you give it a funny theme such as ‘Spooks’ or ‘Candy’. For little people parties try ‘Toys’ or ‘Fairies’. To spice things up, give each team a prop that must be used creatively as part of the sculpture. This could be a teddy bear, a chair or a balloon. The sculptures could have moving parts. ‘Futuristic Inventions’ or ‘Mythical Creatures’.

There is so much you could do with the game of Sculptor. Definitely add this one to your tool box of fun group games for kids!

Check out more ideas on Team Building Group Games HERE.

View our demo video on You Tube.

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