Bring the Fun into Learning!

Awesome Outdoor Group Games
Looking for awesome outdoor group games? We have a plethora of youth group games that can be played with large groups of all ages. Traditional games such as Dodge and Capture the Flag are favourites with youth on school camps.
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Epic Indoor Group Games
Awesome indoor group games to keep the teacher (and kids) happy! School teachers are challenged to keep students motivated. One way to break up lessons and energize the kids is through short indoor games that get the kids up and
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Energizers and Icebreakers
Energizer games are designed to reignite the energy of students who are dozing off due to lengthy sessions requiring thinking and concentration. Energizers are not just used in the classroom, but corporate seek them for their conferences and training workshops
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Hi! I'm Trevor. I'm a passionate educator, husband to Cathy, and father to our seven awesome kids! I’ve worked with young people my whole life. I’ve been super fortunate to discover what inspires kids to want to fully participate in life and learning. I’d like to share with you how and why I became professionally involved with engaging kids through games. I’d like to share my triumphs and struggles during my thirty years of working with young people and how they keep me inspired to be my absolute best. Thankyou for checking out what I'm about. I would love for you to join us on our 'Fun Youth Group Games for Kids' journey.
Welcome to Fun Youth Group Games!
Our mission- Awesome fun and connection through group games for all people!

Kids love playing games! Before the age of the internet, playing group games inside and out was the norm. Youth group games brought people together and provided children the social skills that they will go on to use as adults. Youth games are vital for schools, the family and places of gathering.
Group games have become an essential tool for me to engage children, build bonds, cultivate confidence, instil values; as well as to teach the curriculum. Over the years I have developed a huge repertoire of well-tested large group games, energizers and circle games. Having worked with children of all ages and having seven kids of my own, I’ve discovered what games they love most. I’ve put the very best of these youth group games into a simple tool that anyone who works with groups of people can use.
So many teachers say to me that they want to bring fun into the classroom, but can only remember how to play a few games. Teachers are very busy people and don’t have time to go seeking new games to play with their students. I hear the same from youth group leaders, church groups, people running youth centres and those coordinating camps. I even get contacted by corporate seeking energizers and team building games for their adult trainings.
Youth Group Game's App- An Essential Tool for Youth Leaders and Teachers.
So why not check out our epic little tool! We call it Wacki… and it’s an app that’s super easy to use!
Wacki fun youth group games for kids provides teachers, youth group leaders, coaches, corporate, and people seeking games for family gatherings or parties, with epic mini demonstration videos of countless physical group games.
It’s simple… just watch, learn and play!
- Use Wacki’s simple filter to find the game you want.
- Show the short game video to players before playing the game, so everyone is clear on how the group game works.
- Players learn how and can play the game on their own. Or, take just two minutes to understand the game yourself, then teach it to the kids.
In the eyes of your kids, you’ll become the coolest teacher in the Universe!
Wacki app is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. It’s free to download! Go ahead and check out Wacki fun youth group games for kids today!
Why Youth Leaders & Teachers Should Get Our FREE Youth Group Games App.
- Be the kids’ favourite person!
- Liven up your youth group
- Engage kids
- Build confidence
- Have a truck load of fun!
- Improved student outcomes
- Eliminate boredom
- Real kids, real games
- 3 clicks from start to go
- No longer need to remember games… all on the app!
- 3 to 100 kids- games to suit any size group
- All demo videos under 2 minutes
- Straight to the point
- Bonus ‘how to play’ instructions
- Simple filter to find games
In minutes you’ll have the kids pumped with excitement!
Download WackiApp (free)- try out some of our epic games!
Then register for Premium membership- Less than US$1/week for FULL ACCESS to over 70 youth group games!
Thank you for creating this much needed creative fun ideas app. It’s going to be perfect for our home-schooling community– Nurture & Nourish
Such a fantastic app you’ve put together. I’m a drama-therapist and I tagged my friend who has a childcare centre. This will help so many people, so thank you. - Lolly
Thank you for putting the effort into making this great app! I’ve been searching everywhere for something like this for my scout group and these games are perfect for my Cubs. Very much appreciated and will be using it every week for new games and activities –Erynn
Just tried ‘Human Pinball’ with the year 6s. They loved it! “Can we play it again?”- Sue